Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Rain, rain, rain.

We're now properly into the summer season, although the weather would have us believe otherwise, and with all this rain and warmth, it means only one thing in your garden - growth! Despite the deluge there are a number of things you can do in your garden to keep it looking good.

When the weather permits carry out a few essential garden maintenance tasks such as weeding and mowing, and protect flowers from aphids and other garden pests.

Make sure nets over strawberries and raspberries are proof against the birds. Peg down a few runners if you want some extra plants. Otherwise remove them.

Plant out pot-grown tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins and sweet corn.

Keep hoeing between rows of vegetables while the weeds are still just seedlings. Choose a dry windy day for best results. A few pieces of paving slab placed between the rows now will make hoeing and picking a cleaner and easier operation all season.

When you're stuck indoors why not plan a summer project, you'll find plenty of ideas in Green Fingers
Garden Workshops

Friday, 8 June 2007

June Jobs

"What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade." Gertrude Jekyll, On Gardening.

This wise quote from Gertrude Jekyll is the perfect introduction to the month of June, which is named after the Roman goddess Juno. For gardeners, it's the ideal time for outdoor sowings as warmer weather conditions are on the way.

  • Prepare the ground for early bedding plants and thin out plants that have already been sown.
  • When digging up early potatoes take care not to damage or pierce tubers.
  • Provide plenty of water directly at roots of newly transplanted plants.
  • Sow maincrop peas now.
  • Hand pollinate marrow, courgettes and pumpkins to encourage good fruit set.
  • Continue to make sowings of spring onion, lettuce, radish and beetroot.
  • Summer and autumn cabbage varieties sown during April in seedbeds should be transplanted along with brussels sprouts.
  • Careful hoeing between vegetables should be carried out to keep weeds at bay.
  • Plant herbs such as mint, thyme, parsley and basil to give a continuous supply.
  • To improve pollination for greenhouse tomatoes just tap the flowers.