Friday, 27 July 2007

Jobs for July

If this was a normal July you would expect your garden to be looking its best. To keep it looking good, then now is the time to deadhead your flowers; Roses, delphiniums, peonies, and pinks, will all benefit from having brown flower heads removed, and with luck this will encourage them to produce a second bloom. Well I don’t know about you, but my first blooms went all soggy and brown so here’s hoping for a second chance.

At least we can try and capture some of this rain –
Water Butts

July is also the ideal time to spend relaxing and enjoying your garden. Ha ha! Well, if it ever stops raining try to make the most of it.
Garden Chairs

In the greenhouse be generous with the watering of tomatoes, courgettes, and cucumbers. Keep the liquid feed flowing generously too. Outdoors they still need feeding (although you could cut out the watering for a little while!).

Pick beans regularly to keep them cropping, and make sure they are never short of water.

Make sure fruit trees against walls are also never short of water while the fruits are still swelling.

Prune blackcurrants as you pick, taking out a number of the older stems altogether, to be stripped of fruit over your knee.

Sow more salads to produce a succession throughout the summer.