Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Tomatoes- The Superfood in your Salad

Tomatoes contain high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that supports the immune system and helps maintain healthy skin; they are packed with antioxidant flavonoids and vitamin E, both of which are essential for heart health, and are a good source of potassium; one tomato contains half the recommended daily dose of vitamin C; they contain no saturated fatty acids and are low in salt, starch and sugars, high in dietary fibre and have a low glycaemic index.

But best of all they are exceptionally high in lycopene which mops up free radicals to keep cancer at bay. Lycopene can prevent prostate and breast cancer and has a similar effect to the cholesterol lowering drugs, statins.

I got all this information from a new book by Ron Levin called "The Red Bodyguard"

Tomatoes can help prevent:
  • Age-related Macular Degeneration. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lutein which is believed to protect the retina from free radical damage.
  • Prostate Cancer - Tomato sauce made by cooking tomatoes in olive oil appears to be more effective than raw tomatoes to reduce, slow or prevent prostate cancer.
  • Heart Disease - Free radicals prevent soluble fats in the blood from building up in the arteries restricting blood flow and starving the heart of oxygen causing heart attacks or strokes.
  • Male Infertility - Excess production of free radicals in the semen reduces sperm count. A daily dose of lycopene can normalise this situation.

'The Red Bodyguard: The amazing health-promoting properties of the tomato' by Ron Levin is available from Amazon for £4.79

The Red Bodyguard: The Amazing Health-promoting Properties of the Tomato