Monday, 22 January 2007

Plant friends and enemies

As with most fruits and vegetables, planting tomatoes closely packed together will attract more pests and disease. The best way to plant tomatoes is to intersperse them with other kinds of plants..
By planting carrots between tomato plants, both will benefit and there will be fewer pests.
Other tomato friends are parsley and marigolds (tagetes). Whiteflies and other aphids do not like marigolds. I have found French marigolds are best for this especially in the greenhouse - they look attractive too.

Other plant friends are:

  • Brassicas like Rhubarb; Thyme; Camomile
  • Beans like Savory
  • Roses love Garlic
  • Fruit trees benefit from Nasturtiums

Plant enemies:
  • Tomatoes do not like Fennel
  • Cabbage, Sage and Basil do not like Rue
  • Peas do not like Garlic
  • Potatos do not like Rosemary, Mint and Camomile

For more information on this subject Click Here!

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